Saturday, October 1, 2011

Soul Searching

I was recently reminded of this post that I shared on my old site years ago. It felt fitting for what I've been going through lately. I have stayed away from any alcohol for 2 weeks and have removed sugar completely from my diet. You can say that I'm doing some much needed soul searching. If you have been doing the same, I hope this gives you a new perspective.

Say Your Prayers

I am not a Christian. Please respect that because I respect those that believe in Jesus Christ. We all have our reasons for our beliefs.

My forever changing belief system began at a young age. I attended church as a child sporadically. It was not a requirement in my home. My mom believed that her four children would find their way when the time was right. I turned to the church seriously when I was twenty-one. My mind set at the time was that if I submitted my life to the guidebook known as the Bible, my life would be corrected and all would be grand. I studied daily and lectured to my friends until they stayed a safe distance away from me. I was baptized in a black Methodist church all to the disappointment of not having the skies open and the answers to life placed into my hands. My days as a Christian dwindled fast after that non-success.

After watching a television show where a person had put herself into a deep state of unconsciousness using meditation, I began my journey into the study of meditation and Eastern religions. I began reading on Hinduism which led to Buddhism followed by Taoism, which I most relate my present spirituality. Taoist do not believe in a God but believe in energy that we all possess which connects the universe. I do not pray to a God, I meditate with the universe.

There have been many times when a friend who is on bad luck tells me “I’m just going to pray on it and leave it in God’s hands”. This makes me cringe. I am uncomfortable with the idea of putting my problems on the to-do list of another entity. Do they believe that problems should be placed on an alter to manifest themselves into a blind conclusion or do they believe that if they open their soul, the spirit that they know as God can provide some suggestions? I’m hoping for the second possibility.

This life that we live is our lives. It is a result of our decisions. When good things happen, it is not simply the blessings of a non-seen leader. And when things go wrong, why would you then blame yourself? Didn’t you just give the praise to someone or something else when all things were going well? Yes, higher spirits interact with us every minute. But one can not expect that relinquishing your responsibilities to the spirits will lead to self-fulfillment. It’s a give and take. You’re going to have to do your part. If you listen, answers are provided. They come in the form of friends or dreams or vibes that tells you to make a left rather than a right. But you will have to decide how you use this information. It is your life.

When you say your prayers, praise the beauty around you, for there is beauty in all things, even our failures. Ask for the strength to connect to the spirits so that the universal network can provide you new perspectives. Then, live your life. Make choices, make mistakes. Make friends, make conflicts. And then, just be thankful for living.


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